The Community Association of Bernardo Heights​
Architectural Applications
The Architectural Review Board exists so that The Community Association of Bernardo Heights can remain a special place to live. Anyone wishing to make external changes to their property must meet the association requirements for modifications and submit an application before initiating work. Architectural Committee meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Only ARC applicants may be invited to attend; these meetings are not open to the general public.
***Please note that all exterior alterations are to follow your neighborhood association guidelines. "When neighborhood association guidelines are more restrictive than the CABH guidelines, the neighborhood guidelines take precedence." CABH Architectural Guidelines, Section I-E, page 7.
On January 25, 2018, the CABH Board of Directors approved a resolution to allow your association to approve rooftop solar applications without requiring additional review from CABH. This stemmed from the California Solar Right Act in the Civil Code Section 714.1 which prohibits associations to "establish a general policy prohibiting the installation of rooftop energy system". As CABH architectural guidelines are broad-based, CABH can no longer deny rooftop solar under State law therefore solar submission to CABH is not needed. Please contact your neighborhood association if you want to install solar panels.