The Community Association of Bernardo Heights​

The Community Association of Bernardo Heights is the Master Homeowner Association of 30 neighborhoods in the Bernardo Heights region.
Residents residing in Bernardo Heights need to have two (2) sets of Homeowner Association Documents: one from the Sub-Management Company and one from the Master Management Company.
To obtain documents for the Master Homeowner Association, please download and complete the Escrow Request Form. To obtain documents for the Sub-Management Company, please refer to the Our Community tab to see what company you need to request documents from. Processing documents begins upon payment of fees. All fees are due and payable upon submission of this form. There is an upfront fee of $200 when picking up your HOA documents. CABH accepts only cashier's checks, escrow checks, and money orders. Personal checks are not accepted. Once this form is completed, email it to Bernardo.Heights@associa.us